Creating a development platform

With the PCSCloud development platform, wherever you are:

- you can securely access your WINDEV, WEBDEV, WINDEV Mobile projects,

- you can securely access the data in your control centers,

- you can always find the same configuration of your work environments.

The steps for creating a PCSCloud development platform are as follows.


- Click "Create a platform" on the left bar.

- Select the "Development platform" template.

- Specify the name of the platform. This name will allow you to identify the platform in the CLOUD dashboard and in PC SOFT tools.

- Configure the platform Update policy. Installing Windows updates can restart the platform and therefore cause a service interruption. 

Consequently, schedule updates for a time when the platform is not being used intensively, or not being used at all. 

- Validate.

After validation, the platform is created within a few minutes and it can be used immediately.

Note: don't forget to secure the access to the platform.

For maximum security when accessing the platform, define an IP address or a range of IP addresses allowed to access the SCM (Source Code Manager) and the Control Centers of the platform.