A PCSCloud operating platform can be used to:
- share HFSQL databases,
- host WEBDEV sites,
- host WINDEV or WEBDEV Webservices, host WINDEV application installations
- or even publish universal data replications.
The steps for creating a PCSCloud operating platform are as follows.
- Click "Create a platform" on the left bar.
- Select the "Operating platform" template.
- Specify the name of the platform. This name will be used to access the platform and will be in the following format: name.pcscloud.net. This name can be modified at any time.
- Select the type of platform according to the computing power required: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum or Diamond. This choice is not permanent: you can change the type of platform at any time. If you are not sure, we advise you to choose a "Silver" platform and to upgrade it later if necessary.
- Define the usage level of the platform: low, moderate or high. The usage level of the platform determines its "responsiveness".
For a Web site, a low usage level is enough.
For a database or a busier platform, the usage level will have to be adapted.
You can also change the usage level of the platform at any time. For example, you can start with a low usage level and increase it later.
- Specify the platform version. We recommend you to set your platform in the same version as the version of WINDEV, WEBDEV or WINDEV Mobile used for development.
- Define the roles of the platform.
Recommendation : Check only what you need.
This choice is not permanent. You have the ability to enable or disable roles on the platform at any time.
- Configure the platform Update policy. Installing Windows updates can restart the platform and therefore cause a service interruption.
Consequently, schedule updates for a time when the platform is not being used intensively, or not being used at all.
After validation, the platform is created within a few minutes and can be used immediately.
Note: don't forget to secure the access to the platform.
For optimal security of access to your platform, define an IP address or IP address range that is allowed to deploy applications, sites, Webservices, and databases on the platform.
This also secures the access to the FTP directory for the platform backup. Defining an IP filter for the FTP port is essential, this prevents robots from connecting to the platform and slowing it down.